The Best Tablets For Students
April 6, 2022
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June 1, 2022For entertainment or educational purposes, tablets are a great device that you might want to consider for your children, whether they are toddlers, younger kids, or teens.
However, eSTAR understands the struggle to find a good tablet for children that includes all the key features without having to worry about them breaking the device or spending too much money. If you are already looking for a tablet, you might want it to be safe and affordable, meaning that your child can enjoy their favorite apps without the risks of the internet.
In today’s article, we will give you four reasons to choose HERO Tablets, eSTAR tablets specifically designed for children with their favorite characters from the Warner Bros. universe.
eSTAR HERO Tablets – A great kid’s tablet option
Kids’ tablets come in different shapes, sizes, and prices. However, one thing that they all have in common is that they are designed for children, which can make the task of picking a tablet a little more complicated. Here is why eSTAR Hero Tablets are a great choice.
1. HERO Tablets are officially related to Warner Bros.
In 2020, eSTAR closed a partnership with Warner Bros. Because of that, HERO Tablets are licensed by Warner Bros and considered to be official merchandise from the giant of entertainment.
Warner Bros has a long history of creating movies, cartoons, and characters that are enjoyed by children and grown-ups from all over the world. The company owns rights to many of the most well-known franchises, such as Harry Potter, Batman, Wonder Woman, Super Man, Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo, and Tom & Jerry. All of these characters are officially available on the HERO Tablets.
For example, one of the most successful franchises is Harry Potter, which holds seven positions in the 15 most profitable Warner Bros. movies of all time.
With so many Harry Potter movies released over the years, it is no wonder that kids love playing on tablets with characters from the series. With all Harry Potter-themed apps out there, including character creation tools and games, it’s a tablet that kids will love to use!
2. HERO Tablets are an affordable option
Let’s face it when buying a new tablet for children we don’t want to spend much money, but we also don’t want something too basic or not age-appropriate.
There are many options in the market for choosing a tablet for kids, but most of them have apps and content already pre-installed. That means that, on the one hand, parents don’t have control over the content their kids will use. On the other hand, it would be very time-consuming for parents to filter the apps on their kid’s tablet. And finally, parents would face another surprise: content subscription.
However, HERO Tablets are an open Android platform where kids or parents can download what they like. Also, they can use Google tools like Family Link or Youtube Kids to control what kind of content kids consume.
So when it comes to choosing the tablet, the buyer should consider their needs and how flexible they want to be. HERO Tablets don’t have any hidden costs, meaning that the customer will get a tablet with full accessibility to the Google Play store and all the apps they need free of charge.
3. HERO Tablets have a parental control feature
A tablet or any other device with internet access is an open window to the world, the best and worst parts of it. The internet isn’t always safe, and protecting the kids from the associated risks is a usual concern.
Parents want their kids to have a device to connect, entertain, and study, without exposing their kids to the dangers of the internet. For that, various parental apps and software can be the parents’ best allies.
HERO Tablets has full access to Google Play, allowing parents to download a parental control app, ensuring that their kids can use the tablet without jeopardizing their protection and well-being. Net Nanny, Google Family Link, Kaspersky-Safe-Kids, and Norton Family are some of the most famous apps.
3. Hero Tablets have a perfect size and weight
One important factor to consider when purchasing a tablet for a child is their age and size. One important difference is the size and weight. Adult tablets are typically bigger and heavier, making them less portable and easier to hold for long periods of time.
On the other hand, kids’ tablets are typically smaller and lighter which makes them easier to hold and use. HERO Tablets are 7″ HD TFT, are 191.5×109.5×10.5 mm, and weigh 284 g.
Get in touch if you want to learn more about the HERO Tablets and all of their features. Our team is happy to answer any questions or doubts you may have. If you are a tech good distributor, we can discuss the possibility to add HERO Tablets to your product range. We are always looking for opportunities to expand and bring HERO Tablets into new markets.